12.83 acres of productive peach orchards in the heart of Palisade, less than half a mile from the I-70 interchange. The property is a total of 3 parcels--7.12 ac, 2.5 ac, and 3.21 ac, all with engineered drip irrigation and excellent water rights. The property is served by Town of Palisade water and sewer lines. Built in 2008, the 5,200-square-foot peach packing shed with cold storage has a wide covered apron and loading docks. The property is currently in agricultural status but could be brought into a development scenario. Wine tasting rooms, wineries, B&B's, and residential development at 2.5 units per acre are a use by right, while more density could be sought with a major subdivision application.
01/2 BATHS
School Information
12.83 acres of productive peach orchards in the heart of Palisade, less than half a mile from the I-70 interchange. The property is a total of 3 parcels--7.12 ac, 2.5 ac, and 3.21 ac, all with engineered drip irrigation and excellent water rights. The property is served by Town of Palisade water and sewer lines. Built in 2008, the 5,200-square-foot peach packing shed with cold storage has a wide covered apron and loading docks. The property is currently in agricultural status but could be brought into a development scenario. Wine tasting rooms, wineries, B&B's, and residential development at 2.5 units per acre are a use by right, while more density could be sought with a major subdivision application.